Sunday, December 19, 2010

Glenn Hardeman - Armageddon Metal Revelation

Okay, so this dude was handing out cd's at the university student center and I grabbed one out of curiosity. "Armageddon Metal Revelation" by the Cyberband, Built on Hard Rock, all printed on one of the most MS Paint album covers I'd ever seen. I figured it would be some sort of Christian hard rock album, so my friends and I popped it in for a good laugh. What graced our ears, however, was completely unexpected. This is pretty much an hour of midi-quality software instrument nu-metalish RIFFS accompanied by a 60-year-old redneck reading the Bible into a computer mic. It's the best thing I've heard all year. All decade. My entire life. After a little bit of quick internet research, I unmasked the mastermind behind the music.

The Prophet Glenn Hardeman


For more of Mr. Hardeman's classic tunes, check out this page for greats like "SLUDGE METAL MATTHEW," "THRASH METAL JOHN," "PUNK MARK," "BLADE METAL ACTS," and "CIRCUS HYMNS ACTS."

1 comment:

  1. Hey There, I just found this wonderful post and I really want to play this on the radio station that I DJ for. Think you can re-up and send it directly to
